Call Doctor or Seek Care Now
- Severe pain
- Foot is red, warm to touch and painful
- Loss of feeling lasts more than 1 hour
- Can't put full weight on the foot (walk with a limp)
- You feel weak or very sick
- You think you need to be seen, and the problem is urgent
Contact Doctor Within 24 Hours
- Red area on skin that is tender to touch
- Looks infected (spreading redness)
- Can't move the foot normally
- Pain gets worse over several days
- You think you need to be seen, but the problem is not urgent
Contact Doctor During Office Hours
- Pain lasts more than 7 days
- Swollen joint(s) in the foot
- You have diabetes and have a burning /tingling feeling or numbness in your feet
- Pain keeps you from work or other activities
- Foot pains or muscle cramps happen often
- Pain caused by bunions, corns, heel spurs or flat feet
- Pain is around the joint of the big toe
- You have other questions or concerns
Self Care at Home
- Caused by overuse
- Mild foot pain